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Pantone color matching

Compare these colors and choose the right one
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Pantone colors to match
Pantone 1788 (93% match)
Pantone 179 (91% match)
Pantone 172 (87% match)
Pantone 1795 (86% match)
Pantone 185 (85% match)
Pantone 1787 (84% match)
Pantone 711 (84% match)
Pantone 1655 (84% match)
Pantone 173 (84% match)
Pantone 171 (84% match)
Pantone 1665 (83% match)
Pantone 1797 (83% match)
PANTONE Coated colors to match
Pantone Bright Red C (99% match)
Pantone Warm Red C (92% match)
Pantone 172 C (92% match)
Pantone 179 C (91% match)
Pantone 1788 C (91% match)
Pantone Red 032 C (90% match)
Pantone 2034 C (90% match)
Pantone 485 C (89% match)
Pantone 7417 C (89% match)
Pantone 7597 C (88% match)
Pantone 2028 C (87% match)
Pantone 1787 C (87% match)
Pantone 7625 C (87% match)
Pantone 2027 C (87% match)
Pantone 1795 C (86% match)
Pantone 171 C (86% match)
Pantone 1655 C (86% match)
Pantone 173 C (86% match)
Pantone 7579 C (86% match)
Pantone Orange 021 C (85% match)
Pantone 1665 C (85% match)
Pantone 711 C (85% match)
Pantone 7626 C (84% match)
Pantone 1797 C (84% match)
Pantone 2026 C (84% match)
Pantone 165 C (84% match)
Pantone 166 C (83% match)
Pantone 710 C (83% match)
PANTONE Uncoated colors to match
Pantone 2347 U (91% match)
Pantone 2028 U (89% match)
Pantone 2035 U (87% match)

Matching Guides

Try one of these if you need a more precise match