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Pantone color matching

Compare these colors and choose the right one
PANTONE color matching RAL color matching NCS color matching Get color from image
Pantone colors to match
Pantone 349 (89% match)
Pantone 3435 (88% match)
Pantone 356 (88% match)
Pantone 343 (88% match)
Pantone 3425 (87% match)
Pantone 357 (86% match)
Pantone 3305 (86% match)
Pantone 3308 (86% match)
Pantone 3302 (85% match)
Pantone 350 (84% match)
Pantone 554 (84% match)
Pantone 626 (83% match)
Pantone 330 (83% match)
PANTONE Coated colors to match
Pantone 2259 C (96% match)
Pantone 2427 C (96% match)
Pantone 349 C (92% match)
Pantone 356 C (91% match)
Pantone 2258 C (90% match)
Pantone 3425 C (89% match)
Pantone 7732 C (88% match)
Pantone 7733 C (88% match)
Pantone 2426 C (88% match)
Pantone 2273 C (88% match)
Pantone 7728 C (87% match)
Pantone 357 C (87% match)
Pantone 7727 C (87% match)
Pantone 343 C (87% match)
Pantone 342 C (87% match)
Pantone 7729 C (87% match)
Pantone 348 C (86% match)
Pantone 3308 C (86% match)
Pantone 3415 C (85% match)
Pantone 2418 C (85% match)
Pantone 3435 C (85% match)
Pantone 3305 C (85% match)
Pantone 7483 C (85% match)
Pantone 3302 C (85% match)
Pantone 7726 C (84% match)
Pantone 336 C (84% match)
Pantone 561 C (84% match)
Pantone 2411 C (84% match)
Pantone 330 C (84% match)
Pantone 554 C (84% match)
Pantone 3292 C (83% match)
Pantone 2266 C (83% match)
Pantone 3298 C (83% match)
Pantone 2272 C (83% match)
PANTONE Uncoated colors to match
No similar color found!

Matching Guides

Try one of these if you need a more precise match