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World Red Cross Day Palette is a Color mix for  World Red Cross and Red Crescent day
World Red Cross Day Palette
Color mix for World Red Cross and Red Crescent day
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Palette conversion table
HEX #f01e26
RGB 240, 30, 38
HSL 357.71°, 87.5%, 52.94%
HSV 0.99°, 87.5%, 94.12%
CMYK 0%, 88%, 84%, 6%
HEX #ab172b
RGB 171, 23, 43
HSL 351.89°, 76.29%, 38.04%
HSV 0.98°, 86.55%, 67.06%
CMYK 0%, 87%, 75%, 33%
HEX #f9f9f9
RGB 249, 249, 249
HSL 0°, 0%, 97.65%
HSV 0°, 0%, 97.65%
CMYK 0%, 0%, 0%, 2%
HEX #cdcdcd
RGB 205, 205, 205
HSL 0°, 0%, 80.39%
HSV 0°, 0%, 80.39%
CMYK 0%, 0%, 0%, 20%
HEX #4aa6f7
RGB 74, 166, 247
HSL 208.09°, 91.53%, 62.94%
HSV 0.58°, 70.04%, 96.86%
CMYK 70%, 33%, 0%, 3%
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