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CoronaVirus Palette is a Color mix for the COVID-19
CoronaVirus Palette
Color mix for the COVID-19
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Palette conversion table
HEX #708631
RGB 112, 134, 49
HSL 75.53°, 46.45%, 35.88%
HSV 0.21°, 63.43%, 52.55%
CMYK 16%, 0%, 63%, 47%
HEX #644980
RGB 100, 73, 128
HSL 269.45°, 27.36%, 39.41%
HSV 0.75°, 42.97%, 50.2%
CMYK 22%, 43%, 0%, 50%
HEX #637d9e
RGB 99, 125, 158
HSL 213.56°, 23.32%, 50.39%
HSV 0.59°, 37.34%, 61.96%
CMYK 37%, 21%, 0%, 38%
HEX #feda41
RGB 254, 218, 65
HSL 48.57°, 98.95%, 62.55%
HSV 0.13°, 74.41%, 99.61%
CMYK 0%, 14%, 74%, 0%
HEX #5bbbcb
RGB 91, 187, 203
HSL 188.57°, 51.85%, 57.65%
HSV 0.52°, 55.17%, 79.61%
CMYK 55%, 8%, 0%, 20%
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