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Classic Christmas palette is a Santa Claus is coming to town
Classic Christmas palette
Santa Claus is coming to town
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Palette conversion table
HEX #285b52
RGB 40, 91, 82
HSL 169.41°, 38.93%, 25.69%
HSV 0.47°, 56.04%, 35.69%
CMYK 56%, 0%, 10%, 64%
HEX #58b69b
RGB 88, 182, 155
HSL 162.77°, 39.17%, 52.94%
HSV 0.45°, 51.65%, 71.37%
CMYK 52%, 0%, 15%, 29%
HEX #f2f3f8
RGB 242, 243, 248
HSL 230°, 30%, 96.08%
HSV 0.64°, 2.42%, 97.25%
CMYK 2%, 2%, 0%, 3%
HEX #d33943
RGB 211, 57, 67
HSL 356.1°, 63.64%, 52.55%
HSV 0.99°, 72.99%, 82.75%
CMYK 0%, 73%, 68%, 17%
HEX #621622
RGB 98, 22, 34
HSL 350.53°, 63.33%, 23.53%
HSV 0.97°, 77.55%, 38.43%
CMYK 0%, 78%, 65%, 62%
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