Search for a name or a RGB value RRR,GGG,BBB or a Hex value #rrggbb

Color space conversion

Conversion of this color for each color space representation
RGB open »
Red Green Blue
78.43% 16.47% 42.75%
HSL open »
Hue Saturation Lightness
334.56° 65.29% 47.45%
Hue Saturation Value / Brightness
334.56° 79% 78.43%
RGB - Normalized
Red Green Blue
0.78 0.16 0.43
HSL - Normalized
Hue Saturation Lightness
0.93 0.65 0.47
HSV / HSB - Normalized
Hue Saturation Value / Brightness
0.93 0.79 0.78
CMYK open »
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
0% 79% 46% 22%
Y Cb Cr
0.38 0.03 0.29
27.41 15.04 15.93
L a b
45.69 64.43 0.98

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CSS notation

Use this for all CSS properties that accept a color as a value: color, background-color, border-color
hsl(335, 65%, 47%)

Tints, Shades, and Tones

Tints of color #c82a6d


A tint is obtained by adding white to a color. This process reduces darkness.
Shades of color #c82a6d


A shade is obtained by adding black to a color. This process increases darkness.
Tones of color #c82a6d


A tone is produced either by mixing a color with grey, or by both tinting and shading.

Recommended Books

Looking for good books to read? Take a look at these books if you want to know more about the theory of colors

Color Harmonies

Schemes of colors that work well together. Read more about Color Harmonies »
Complementary Harmony Color Scheme of #c82a6d


Create the strongest contrast.
Triad Harmony Color Scheme of #c82a6d


Let one color dominate and use the other two for the accent.
Square Harmony Color Scheme of #c82a6d


Balance between warm and cool colors.
Adjacent Harmony Color Scheme of #c82a6d

Adjacent / Analogous / Analogic

Pleasing and harmonious to the eye, they can be found in nature.
Split Complementary Harmony Color Scheme of #c82a6d

Split Complementary

Low tension, strong visual contrast.
Rectangle Tetradic Harmony Color Scheme of #c82a6d

Rectangle / Tetradic

Two complementary pairs for a total of four colors.
Pentagram Harmony Color Scheme of #c82a6d


Circle around the color wheel, five colors.