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Pantone color matching

Compare these colors and choose the right one
PANTONE color matching RAL color matching NCS color matching Get color from image
Pantone colors to match
Pantone 3945 (91% match)
Pantone 102 (90% match)
Pantone 3955 (88% match)
Pantone 395 (87% match)
Pantone 108 (87% match)
Pantone 3965 (86% match)
Pantone 396 (86% match)
Pantone 109 (85% match)
Pantone 107 (85% match)
Pantone 809 (84% match)
Pantone 116 (84% match)
Pantone 388 (84% match)
PANTONE Coated colors to match
Pantone 102 C (91% match)
Pantone 3945 C (91% match)
Pantone Yellow C (90% match)
Pantone 3955 C (89% match)
Pantone 395 C (89% match)
Pantone 3965 C (88% match)
Pantone Yellow 012 C (88% match)
Pantone 396 C (86% match)
Pantone 107 C (86% match)
Pantone 109 C (86% match)
Pantone 116 C (84% match)
Pantone 388 C (84% match)
Pantone 7405 C (84% match)
Pantone 115 C (83% match)
PANTONE Uncoated colors to match
Pantone 3965 U (92% match)
Pantone 102 U (85% match)
Pantone 396 U (84% match)

Matching Guides

Try one of these if you need a more precise match