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Pantone color matching

Compare these colors and choose the right one
PANTONE color matching RAL color matching NCS color matching Get color from image
Pantone colors to match
Pantone 214 (98% match)
Pantone 206 (94% match)
Pantone 1925 (92% match)
Pantone 226 (91% match)
Pantone 1935 (88% match)
Pantone 192 (88% match)
Pantone 213 (88% match)
Pantone 227 (87% match)
Pantone 199 (87% match)
Pantone 233 (87% match)
Pantone 220 (86% match)
Pantone 234 (85% match)
Pantone 200 (85% match)
Pantone 241 (84% match)
Pantone 215 (84% match)
Pantone 676 (83% match)
Pantone 185 (83% match)
PANTONE Coated colors to match
Pantone Rubine Red C (98% match)
Pantone 2040 C (94% match)
Pantone 214 C (92% match)
Pantone 226 C (92% match)
Pantone 1925 C (91% match)
Pantone 1935 C (91% match)
Pantone 193 C (89% match)
Pantone 7636 C (89% match)
Pantone 206 C (89% match)
Pantone 192 C (89% match)
Pantone 227 C (88% match)
Pantone 233 C (87% match)
Pantone 199 C (87% match)
Pantone 220 C (87% match)
Pantone 215 C (86% match)
Pantone 7425 C (86% match)
Pantone 200 C (86% match)
Pantone 186 C (85% match)
Pantone 234 C (85% match)
Pantone 1945 C (84% match)
Pantone 213 C (83% match)
PANTONE Uncoated colors to match
No similar color found!

Matching Guides

Try one of these if you need a more precise match